Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Amazing Grace


You may have had a past that you felt was so apart of the world that the words John Newton penned, resonate within your heart as your own life's song.

Or you may have grown up in a church all your life and wondered when you would ever have the same zeal and love and passion for God that others rescued from the world had... but as soon as you realize it's by grace that you too are saved...and that God loves you as if you are the only one...This song will pour out of your heart too in a likewise fashion.

The kingdom of Heaven is like a certain man that had two sons.... You may have been the prodigal OR maybe you are the older brother still working in the field with righteousness. ..but the father has come out to meet you to let you know, all He has is yours. You don't have to work for it...its by grace. He who knows the end from the beginning, who sees your true feelings toward others because you looked at what God forgave them of...He loves, accepts, sent His Son to redeem you, and calls you His own...the price has been paid to carry the load you have attempted to carry by your own strength. Let His Spirit led you and live through you as you yield to His great love!!! He comes out to the field to beckon you... come home my child, come home.