Proverbs 9:10 says, "The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom; and the knowledge of the Holy is intelligence." This is the one core place that we continuously go back to. -Honor. I think there is a huge mistake in only focusing on behaviors. I see those as symptoms that will lead you to the true issues if you stop to study them out in your child. Similar to an infection, there are certain symptoms that will key you in on what is truly going on. When children are little, you may be able to "force" them to comply but there is coming a day when those techniques won't work. Like a band-aid on an infection, it may look better right now, but you risk amputation if you don't treat the infection. I don't want my boys to be good for the sake of doing what is right. I guess you could say, being good, isn't good enough. What matters most, to me, is the condition of the heart. Even when they royally mess up, the key question is, what is the attitude they made their decisions out of? (and at their ages, "royally" isn't nearly as costly.)
The Hebrew word for the word fear in Proverbs 9:10 is, Yirat. It means to reverence, respect, be in awe of...Honor. Teaching honor is kind of challenging since this is something that must come from the heart. -and the heart of very young people. I find controlling to be much simpler even if it is a temporary fix to an immediate situation and has undesirable consequences down the road. Television isn't teaching any of this! Sadly, not even several animated Christian series seem to have this one down in their relationships. Teaching to honor parents, teachers, pastors, grandparents, siblings...can be a challenge since it goes completely crosswise with the raw nature of the flesh. If there is any one thing I have learned well, now that we have 4 boys, it is... "If you snatch something out of my hands and I have the opportunity, I'll wack you! --and I will feel 100% justified in my behavior!" The only tool we had in our parenting bag for such moments was that of fear. I knew this can't be the answer. I knew "dominating" if even to bring about what appears to be good fruit, can't bring lasting fruit. If parenting correctly, this is going to have to be with good, life giving tools.
Here are some of the things we have learned -
1. The time to teach lessons is NOT primarily when there is a problem. This is the same as needing a miracle vs living in the miraculous. Yes, we do both but we don't save the lessons for when they make a mistake.
2. Don't look at right now and lose sight of the big picture. Learning anything is just is. My 4 year old just loudly, openly, and even defiantly talked back to me today during preschool playhouse. My flesh wanted to tear into him. I wanted to teach him a lesson he will never forget. How dare he embarrass me like that! I mean, I'm so patient with dare he step all over my kindness. It is a treat to even be there. Does he even know what it took to get us there? Yep... I get those feeling too. But acting on those feelings is like fertilizer on the seeds of anger, fear, intimidation,...
My goal is to teach him to make the right decisions from a healthy place and every emotion that he brought up had to be cast down to get to the good fruit producing seeds.
I have to stop and ask God to show me the core issues that are bringing about the behaviors. When he learns how to deal with the issues, the behaviors will stop. In other words, I had to stop and seek help from God so as to know how to best honor my child by sowing seeds of honor into him so that he will be able to honor in his own pressure induced moments. Most always with this particular little guy, it is a matter of being heard. I so look forward to the day when he is confident in knowing that he has a voice and his voice is always heard. - If you follow this trail, it like all the other behaviors will lead to an issue of honor. Honor, true honor must be something that flows out of the heart with love being the pump that draws it out. My job is always to sow seeds of honor that are rooted in love so as to model an honorable lifestyle so that they may know how to flow from the same current. While it is a massively rewarding stream to flow in, it is also the most self crucifying, upstream fight to swim toward in order to live in and out of.
3. Be transparent. We evaluate their behaviors a lot. We also evaluate their parent's behaviors. One thing that seems to be so freeing was realizing that my boys are little people! There were times when I would lose focus of that fact. They aren't only learning from their behaviors but they are learning from every person that lives within the home. If you question that, just look at my 2 year old that just started putting his fist in his mouth and drooling like his 3 month old younger brother. We all learn from each other. We all grow together. A family unit is a continuously evolving unit that moves as one, giving and taking and flowing together. As daunting a statement as it may sound, our sons are learning how to be an adult by studying us. -Sobering, I know. The one revelation that helped me a lot is, They are not limited to what we know! The Holy Spirit is the teacher. When we admit we missed it, and we receive their forgiveness, we step out of the way, we let God move them past our parenting flaws. - I learned this lesson as a teenager still at home. This was massive. It was so liberating to be able to see my parents as people. Now that I am a parent, it is equally liberating to be able to see my children as people.
4. Along the lines of point #3, Every person in the home has a voice. The truth is, f
5. We are not alone in this! The wonderful part of honor is... parenting with honor is honoring God in our parenting. 1 Samuel 2:30 says, "...for those who honor me I will honor, and those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed." This word "despise" means to value lightly...or to dishonor. To those who honor God, he will honor. It is the Holy Spirit that is our teacher. We put the Word of God into their hearts, with grace so as to be able to be a success, not attempting to model in our own strength or ability but in our surrender, we live out honor with love toward God and toward man at the heart of our actions, also putting our faith in the Holy Spirit to lead them to their "ah-ha" moments so as to create lasting fruit.
Honor is being both compelled and constrained by love so as to live a lifestyle of love in action. Honor is putting the other person first. Honor is service. Honor is not because I must but because I want to. Honor says, you are valuable. Honor says, you matter. Honor says, you are worthy. Honor is the highest form of love there is. There are also other families that have been working on developing and teaching a lifestyle of honor. Here is a blog post that has some wonderful tips on teaching honor. -