Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Excitement Over Growing Up

Matthew came into my room this morning and I thought he was wearing boots with pj's because he definitely went through another growth spurt! Oh how delighted they get when they hear of how they have grown over night!  Right away he wants to measure where he is against me.

Dear Matthew,
Once upon a time, it greatly pained me to see you grow. It was as though I'd been robbed by time. I wished to keep you little always. Oh, to hold you forever! -but how much that would rob you of!!  I wouldn't trade your infant years with these for anything!  I love hearing you think and reason and develop!!!
Truth be told, when I felt that way, I was not growing. I gave you my life. I shouldn't have but I did. (More about the time that changed posted here.) As I've given you to God and put Him first, He has changed the way I see time. In learning to make time work for us not against us, I have been granted the joy and experience  of growing, changing, and developing side by side with you.
Now, I too am comparing and standing up against our Heavenly Father and I too am seeing how much I've grown more like Him over the last six weeks and last year... What was I too timid to do a year ago, that I have since broke free from? What did I want to do but thought I couldn't? What do I understand better now that I didn't then?  How have I developed in compassion? In hearing and being led? In obedience? In submission? In leadership?  In focus?  ...and, I agree, it is so thrilling to grow, to reach, to expand to new and deeper waters, beyond the former boundries.
I'm so thankful for these days...and I'm so thankful for your eagerness to grow! While in the physical realm, we reach a stopping point, in the spiritual realm, we never do!  Don't ever, ever lose that. -ever!
May you spend the rest of your life never settling and always reaching. May you be able to look back at every year and see many areas where you have grown and developed and changed...from glory to glory.