Wednesday, September 9, 2015

How do you see yourself?

Have you ever had moments when you ask God for insight and help, then when He gives it to you, it branches beyond just that one area you were thinking of?
I was listening to the boys talk in the back of the van while I was driving...
Matthew was showing Gabriel something and made the comment that he couldn't really read yet.
When he said that, an understanding came up out of my spirit. He had yet to identify himself as one being able to read. He had yet to make that connection on a personal level. Once he identified with reading and believed he is a reader, I will see him engage in it better.
This has been our change of focus. I took him to a book that is much bigger than his little 10-ish paged, paper back school readers that he is used to. I asked him to read. I have asked him to read signs, etc. I have intentionally called him a "reader." Excitement started coming up as he made the connection and implemented the rules he'd learned throughout last school year. -- ONCE HE SAW HIMSELF READING AND BELIEVED HE CAN READ, HIS ENTIRE OUTLOOK CHANGED.
There is a quote I say often and live by, "If you can see it, you can possess it." Another, that goes right along with that one is, "Your feet will never take you where your mind has never been."
Another quote the boys hear often is, "You will become what you behold." ...and yet I have never paired the two. -- It isn't only what you behold as far as what we feed our minds through our eyes and ears. (- Which is how I have seen it) ...but also what we feed our minds through our own visions. How do we see ourselves?
As for the branching part...
This goes into every area of what we receive from God. We will only receive from God what we take and make personal as our own.
Do you see yourself as completely and totally redeemed? Do you see yourself as more than a conqueror? Do you see yourself as healed? Do you see yourself as completely in Christ so as to say, ..."as He is, so are we in this world"... meaning just as healed, in the same right standing, just as loved, just as much belonging, just as He is?
-Remember, once you can see it, you can possess it. -regardless of what it looks like right now, because that which is seen is temporary but that which is not seen is eternal... I'm already whole...completely whole. I am not trying to get there...I am already there because I am in Christ and He already won. This is mine...not someday but a finished work.
Once Matthew saw that he is already reading and more than able, once he saw what I saw... then, he gained confidence in stepping out. Now, he is attempting to read believing he can! Watching him step out, I saw the parallel. Once we see ourselves the way our Father God sees us, we too gain confidence in our ability. We too step out believing we have what is ours and then we too overcome.